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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Diagnosis of Breast Cancer. Imaging, Pathology, Hormone Status, Staging

Diagnosis of Breast Cancer
Imaging, Pathology, Hormone Status, Staging

Diagnosis: Identification of a disease, based on signs and symptoms

Breast cancer isn't always detected with the naked eye. Its early signs are often hidden within your breast tissues. Changes to your breasts that you do see may not be the result of breast cancer at all. Lumps and bumps may come and go, as your hormones ebb and flow, and as you age. Breast skin may change texture due to sunburn, radiation treatments, or infections that cause rashes. So how would you know for sure whether or not a lump, skin rash, or skin dimpling is benign or cancerous? You will need help from your medical professionals to get a clear diagnosis.

Hands-on Screening
Clinical Breast Exam (CBE)

Women who are between 20 and 30 years old should have a clinical breast exam during their annual physical. If irregularities are found, a mammogram and ultrasound can help clarify the nature of the problem.

Getting the Right Picture: Imaging Studies

A mammogram is the gold standard for breast cancer screening and early detection. The American Cancer Society recommends that women 40 years old and up have an annual mammogram, though some other medical associations push that recommendation to age 50. Mammograms can help detect 85 to 90 percent of all breast cancers, even before you can feel a lump.

Having a Mammogram: Time your appointment for best results, bring your medical records, and know what to expect
Mammogram Views for Routine and Diagnostic Screening: Each of your breasts will be compressed and imaged twice
Mammogram Images, Descriptions and Details: See images of mammograms and what your radiologist will be checking for
Understanding Your Mammogram Report: Learn what may be on your imaging results report and what the medical terms mean to you
Findings on a Mammogram
- Cysts
- Calcifications
- Fibroadenomas
- Hematomas
- Tumors
- Implants
BIRADS – Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System: Your report will be rated by this system, and that rating will be included in your diagnosis

Breast Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
A breast MRI reveals different details of your breast health than a mammogram, so it can be used as a complementary test. MRIs don’t use compression, like mammograms, but are much more expensive and not as widely available. Learn more about how mammograms and MRIs are different.

Elastography - Staying in Touch With Breast Cancer Detection and Diagnosis
Elastography is a new, though still investigational, technology for imaging breast tissue. It may be better than mammography, ultrasound, and MRI at distinguishing between benign and cancerous growths. Elastograms can find a cancerous lump without a biopsy.

Getting Inside the Problem: Pathology Tests
If a breast lump is suspicious, a sample of tissue or fluid must be taken and tested by a pathologist.

Fluid Tests:

Ductal Lavage: Screening for pre-cancerous and cancerous breast cells
Ductal lavage has been referred to as the "Pap smear for the breast." A tiny tube is inserted into the breast to draw fluid from the breast ducts, which is then examined under a microscope or screened for cancer cells. This is also an investigational screening technique.

Aspiration: During an aspiration, your doctor will use a fine needle to suction a sample of fluid from a lump, such as a cyst, to be screened.

Tissue Tests:

Breast Biopsy: A surgeon can remove a very small tissue sample from your breast. The tissue will be tested and examined under a microscope for cancer. There are three types of breast biopsy:

Fine-needle aspiration (FNA)
Core needle biopsy (CNB)
Stereotactic biopsy
Open biopsy, or surgical biopsy

Discovering What Fuels the Cancer

Hormone Status
Breast cancers are divided into two main types: estrogen receptor positive, and estrogen receptor negative. If you test positive for breast cancer, estrogen and progesterone biomarker test results appearing on your pathology report will help your physician determine which type of the disease you have. This information affects your treatment as well as your follow-up care.

HER2 Status
HER2 (human epidermal growth factor receptor 2) protein can fuel the uncontrolled growth of a breast cancer tumor. Herceptin is used to treat this kind of breast cancer, in combination with other chemotherapy drugs. Lapatanib is also available for those who are HER2 positive. Knowing your HER2 status affects your diagnosis and treatment.

Getting the Overall Diagnosis
Breast Cancer Staging
Once all the test results are in, your doctor will summarize the diagnosis for you. Your cancer will be ranked in stages, once by your oncologist, and again by your radiologist. Knowing the stage of your breast cancer is critical to deciding on a course of treatment.

TNM System: Tumor Size, Node Status, Metastasis
Stages: Four Stages of Breast Cancer
Comparing Data: A Table of Stages and TNM Ranking

What is Breast Cancer?
Symptoms of Breast Cancer
Treatments for Breast Cancer
Preventing Breast Cancer

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